
CIMB推出定期存款优惠,存放3个月即可享有高达4.70% p.a.的定期存款利率。





如此算起来,你的Effective Rate一共可享有3.53%p.a.至4.28%p.a.的利率。至于值不值得存放,这就需要看大家的选择了。

储蓄或来往户口的最低存款额为RM10,000,定期存款的最低存款额也是RM10,000。这项定期存款必须通过CIMB分行柜台存放,而且必须是Fresh Funds。

Important Notes:

1. This Campaign is open to new and existing CIMB customers.

2. Valid for all CIMB Bank Current Account and Savings Account (CASA) (excluding Junior Savers Account, Youth Savers Account, Flexi Current Account, Money Multiplier Account, Foreign Currency Current Account, Private Banking Current Account and High Yield Current Account).

3. The placement of the deposit into the CASA & FD shall comprise solely of Fresh Funds deposited with CIMB.

4. The deposit earmark for CASA and the FD placement at Special Rate 4.7% p.a. for 3 months is at a ratio of 1:3.

5. The maximum capping of FD is RM500,000 per customer throughout the campaign period.

6. The 4.7% p.a. Special Rate is applicable for FD placement of one (1) cycle only.

7. For early withdrawal of funds, the Eligible Customer(s) shall not be entitled to earn any interest whatsoever.
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