FamilyMart 暂时缩短营业时间


大马第一家的 FamilyMart 位于吉隆坡林芙蓉大厦,在开张的首两日吸引众多顾客上门,店内气氛热闹,顾客纷至沓来,人潮拥挤。


由于 Family Mart 太受欢迎,店内很多产品都缺货。为了确保这家 FamilyMart 能够正常运作,管理层只能做出暂时缩短营业时间的决定。 FamilyMart 宣布从即日起至11月20日的营业时间从24小时,改为早上7点至晚上10点。

FamilyMart 暂时缩短营业时间

受影响日期:即日起 - 2016年11月20日

营业时间:早上7点 - 晚上10点

Dear Family,

As we complete the first day of our pilot store opening, we are deeply touched by the overwhelming support from all of you. We sincerely apologise where we fell short of expectations.

With the overwhelming response, we are required to close our store for from time to time for upkeep and proper stocking. Thus during this initial period, our Wisma Lim Foo Yong pilot store will open daily from 7am-10pm from tomorrow until 20 Nov 2016.

Please continue to support us and thank you for your kind understanding! Arigatou Gozaimasu.

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