

马来西亚连锁电影院Golden Screen Cinema (GSC)从8月29日起将每天派发100份的Popcorn和50份的免费电影票券。优惠时间从早上10点开始,首50位购买2张或以上电影戏票的顾客,将可获得免费电影票券1张,和免费1份Popcorn Combo 1。接下来的50位顾客将只能得到免费的Popcorn Combo 1。



1. 此项优惠只限于GSC Berjaya Megamall Kuantan,、GSC Palm Mall Seremban 和 GSC Sunway Carnival Penang.

This promotion is only valid at GSC Berjaya Megamall Kuantan, GSC Palm Mall Seremban and GSC Sunway Carnival Penang.

2. 此项优惠从2015年8月29日至9月20日。

Promotion period starts from 29 Aug to 20 Sept 2015.

3. 透过GSC Box Office、GSC website 和 GSC mobile app购买2张戏票才能享有此项优惠。

This promotion is valid for purchase of TWO (2) movie tickets via GSC Box Office, GSC website & GSC mobile app.

4. 每天只派发100份的Popcorn Combo 1和50份的免费电影戏票。

There are 100 sets of Popcorn Combo 1 and 50 pieces of Complimentary Movie Passes available every day within the promotion period.

5. 每天首50位顾客将会获得一份PopCorn Combo 1 Voucher和1张免费电影戏票券。

First 50 customers of the day who present their proof of purchase at GSC Box Office Counter will receive:
• ONE (1) piece of Popcorn Combo 1 voucher and
• ONE (1) piece of Complimentary Movie Pass

6. 接下来的50位顾客将可获得1份PopCorn Combo voucher。

The next 50 customers of the day who present their proof of purchase at GSC Box Office Counter will receive ONE (1) piece of Popcorn Combo 1 voucher.

7. 一张Voucher只能兑换一份产品。

Each Popcorn Combo 1 voucher is entitled to redeem ONE (1) set of popcorn combo 1 only at GSC Concession Counter.

8. 优惠采用先到先得的方式派发,优惠从早上10点开始计算。

Redemption starts at 10am every day during promotion period, on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last.

9. GSC拥有最终的权利。

GSC reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

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