商场使用信用卡交易时,商家不可进行Double Swiping

注意注意!商家不可进行Double Swiping!若发现你的信用卡或转账卡被商家Double Swiping,你一定要向国家银行或是相关的银行投诉。

何谓Double Swiping?通常大家在商场使用信用卡或转账卡缴付时,商家都会要求持卡人输入密码以完成支付。如果你发现在输入完密码后,商家再把你的信用卡或转账卡在电脑前刷过一遍,那你就要特别小心了。



通常商家进行Double Swiping是为了方便他们和银行账单做比对。不过这样的举动却会造成用户的信用卡资料暴露。Maybank建议商家应该要让顾客自行把信用卡插入刷卡机内,而不是由柜台人员负责相关举动。


Double Swiping" is an action performed by a merchant where a second swipe of the payment card is performed at the POS cash register after authorization has been obtained using the card terminal provided by the Bank. All merchants are required to comply to the standards set by the payment card brands that "Double Swiping" is not allowed.
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