

麦当劳全新的早餐套餐是d’Grand Platter。d’Grand Platter 结合了Muffins、鸡肉香肠、鸡肉卷、蘑菇还有可口的鸡蛋。

看了是不是很可口呢?想要尝试d’Grand Platter 的朋友,你可以在清晨4点至上午11点到附近的麦当劳购买。

d’Grand Platter 只在有提供早餐的麦当劳分店售卖。

On d’Grand Platter, you will find the usual McDonald’s breakfast favourites such as the freshly toasted English Muffins, succulent chicken sausage grilled to perfection, smoked chicken roll, golden Hashbrowns and farm fresh eggs. You can even choose to have your eggs scrambled or sunny side-up. Additionally we will be serving baked beans and grilled mushrooms too! Talk about an early morning treat.


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