U Mobile 用户可免费索取 Starbucks 咖啡饮料

各位 U Mobile 用户注意!U Mobile 和 Starbucks 合作送出免费饮料!

只要你是 U Mobile 用户,你就可透过 MYUMOBILE app下载免费饮料券。用户在完成下载后,需要前往附近的 Starbucks 领取免费饮料。

U Mobile 用户可以点击 MYUMOBILE app 中的 Rewards & Promotions,并点击星巴克的免费饮料即可。

不过需要注意,免费的星巴克饮料只限 freshly brewed 咖啡或是茶。数量有限,先到先得。

Get your cuppa caffeine fix from Starbucks (freshly brewed coffee or tea) for FREE with the MYUMOBILE app from now until the end of the month!

To get your FREE beverage, kindly follow the steps below;

1. Download and login

2. Go to [Rewards & Promotions]

3. View offer details in [My vouchers]

4. Show voucher to redeem

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