
喜欢看电影的民众的好消息!马来西亚连锁电影院(Golden Screen Cinema)简称GSC推出了自打印戏票(Selfprint Tickets)制度!

从即日起,民众可透过GSC官网预订电影票,并可直接在家打印出来!GSC推出自打印戏票(Selfprint Tickets)制度是为了让民众在看电影时无需排队换取和购买戏票。

民众透过GSC官网预订电影票后,直接打印,并可直接前往电影院播放厅(Hall)电影票检查处让工作人员扫描打印好的二维码(Scan Barcode)电影票。非常方便!

Available in all 32 locations. Purchase your movie tickets now! @ GSC E-Payment

1. SelfPrint ticket must be printed out and presented at the checkpoint (where applicable) to gain admission to GSC hall for the movie screening.

2. Alternatively, you can collect the movie tickets purchased at the selected cinema by producing the Confirmation ID of the transaction at GSC Reservation or Gold Class counter.

3. SelfPrint ticket will be scanned and its validity verified before you can proceed to your seats in the cinema hall.

4. If you opt to scan with Confirmation Barcode in the SelfPrint ticket, GSC will only admit one (1) time entry per transaction.

5. In the event that multiple copies of SelfPrint ticket are presented or if you fail to produce the Confirmation ID, GSC reserves the right to refuse entry to All ticket holders.

6. For payment made via Credit Card, customers must bring along their credit card for verification purposes. GSC reserves the right to refuse entry or not to issue the ticket(s) if the authorized credit card or identification card is not presented to GSC Staff.

7. For identification purposes, students / senior citizens must present their student ID / identity card at checkpoint / upon collecting the tickets at the Cinema Box Office.

8. For the digital 3D movies, a surcharge of RM5.50 per ticket applies.

9. Please note that all E-Payment purchases are confirmed purchases and any request for refunds, exchange or cancellations will not be entertained.

10. Please refer to the full list of Terms & Conditions on GSC E-Payment
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